Monday, January 12, 2009

The Countdown

i now have t minus 13 days before i leave for my trip.
i can't believe it is coming so soon - so many things to do.

must remember to buy sunscreen, to check with a cell phone provider, and to exchange for euros...

here are some of my current feelings: excitement, nausea, ecstatic, nervous, hopeful, overwhelmed, sadness, joy, gratefulness, relief, stress.

i hope that all the wonderful new technological advances allow me to stay in touch with everyone while i'm gone. i am going to miss you all so much! i can't believe i'm going to be away for so long - and truly on my own. no kurt, or sophie, or missa, or christopher and anne, or anne with me to remind me of home....i'm making myself homesick and i haven't even left yet.

please do not think i am not incredibly thrilled to be going. my nerves are just running high right now.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Kitten Loves Chicken? So cute. I will think of you each time I wear brightly colored tights, a headband, or a blazer. And of course, any time I'm watching GG. I hope you have lots of fun, but know we will miss you something fierce.