Sunday, May 31, 2009

come and goes (in waves)

well. i am currently in the process of studying for exams, writing final papers, showing my mom around malta, packing up my life, and saying goodbye to friends. there are far too many things going on, but i am enjoying every second (while, besides the studying part). i am so excited to be done with school here, and to come back to everyone in the states! but letting go of malta is definitely going to be a challenge. it's been really nice having candy here because it makes me re-see malta with her, as she experiences it for the first time. i hate that we can get so accustomed to seeing things that they are no longer beautiful. **my profound thought for the day** and now, i must go fill my brain with doric temples and commemorative relief sculptures for my classical art & archaeology exam on tuesday (i told you my life doesn't make sense here...). i miss you all and can't wait to be together again! xoxox, claire

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